Projected year
the pay gap will
close in Wisconsin.
The average woman makes 80 cents for every dollar paid to a man. It's even worse for women of color.
Difference in median earnings of females ($28,600) versus males ($41,200) working full time in Wisconsin. (2017)
Wisconsin's ranking in gender pay equity among all 50 states. California is #1 and Louisiana is #50.
Given the latest recommendations from the CDC around COVID-19, the WLC is postponing all in-person workshops planned for April 2nd. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates on a potential virtual option as they become available. If you have any questions, contact mharm@tempomilwaukee.org.
to close the gender pay gap
Thursday, April 2, 2020
A Day For Pay Equity
in collaboration with
Presenting Sponsor
We know it is not just up to women to close the gender wage gap. But, negotiating our salaries and benefits is something women can do RIGHT NOW for better economic security and to help close the pay gap.
The Women’s Leadership Collaborative is bringing WorkSmart, the American Association of University Women’s (AAUW) proven salary negotiation workshop, to the Milwaukee area on April 2, 2020. The WLC’s goal is to train 1,000 women at 20 workshops on one day, in parallel with AAUW’s pledge to train 10 million women in salary negotiation by 2022.
Why is negotiation so important? AAUW’s research on the gender pay gap shows that, one year out of college, women are already paid significantly less than men. Women who work full time take home about 80 cents for every dollar a full-time male worker is paid. And over a lifetime, those lost potential earnings add up.
Women who negotiate increase their potential to earn higher salaries and better benefits packages. By negotiating fair and equitable salaries, you’ll be better able to pay off loans, buy the things you want and need, and even save for retirement.
Workshops will be held throughout the day, across the city and run for two hours each. Join the movement to close the gender pay gap and sign up for a workshop today.
Workshop Hosts
Alverno College (StartSmart*)
Cardinal Stritch University
Carthage College
Junior League of Milwaukee
Marquette Institute for Women's Leadership (StartSmart*)
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Mueller Communications
Mount Mary University
Professional Dimensions/YWCA Southeast Wisconsin
TEMPO Milwaukee
TEMPO Waukesha
UW-Milwaukee (StartSmart*)
UW-Parkside in partnership with TEMPO Racine
Wisconsin Women in Government
Woman's Club of Wisconsin/Milwaukee Women inc
Women's Fund of Greater Milwaukee
*StartSmart is specifically designed for college women who are approaching the job market.